Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2

Wednesday. 30th.

Friday. August 1st.

Thursday. 31st. CFA


Thursday. 31st. CFA
Thursday. 31st.

After passing an hour as I usually do with Abby I rode to Boston in a shower of rain which appears to be always my fortune. The Office looked quite solitary as Mr. Davis was the only occupant of the rooms, Mr. Kinsman having gone to Haverhill. The political news from Louisiana is quite encouraging and will probably set up the party again.1 Read a little of Cruise but on the whole was not quite satisfied with the way I passed the time. Afternoon, Executive Record; a sharp hail storm visited us. Returned to Quincy, worked a little while in the Nursery and conversation in the evening.


The Administration ticket was reported to have won an “entire triumph” in the Louisiana state elections (Daily National Intelligencer, 31 July 1828).