Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2

Saturday 15th.

Monday. 17th.

Sunday. 16th. CFA


Sunday. 16th. CFA
Sunday. 16th.

Went to Meeting this morning at Dr. Channing’s with Miss Harriet Welsh and Mrs. Barrel. Heard him for the first time in my life. He is considered the first Clergyman here. I was pleased with him and on the whole felt satisfied with having heard him. His subject was Religion. Dined with George and the Welsh family. In the afternoon went to Brattle Street Church the first time for many years. Heard a Mr. Barrett there but did not admire him.1 Evening at Dr. Welsh’s excepting an hour at home upon Vivian Grey.


Samuel Barrett, minister of the Twelfth Congregational Church in Chambers Street, Boston ( Mass. Register, 1827, p. 109).