Diary of Charles Francis Adams, volume 2

Saturday. 8th.

Monday 10th.

Sunday. 9th. CFA


Sunday. 9th. CFA
Sunday. 9th.

I amused myself in the morning with a perusal of my father’s article on the Colonial trade written for the last Number of the 159Quarterly Review.1 It is able and controversial, not without some of his usual pungency. In the afternoon went to Meeting and in the evening found myself seized with a violent attack threatening Cholera Morbus in consequence of which I was up with an Emetic.


The American Quarterly Review (1:267–306 [Sept.] 1827) carried a review giving long extracts from Documents from the State Department Relative to Colonial Trade (Senate Document No. 1, 19 Cong., 2 sess.), consisting largely of letters written by JQA as Secretary of State.