Papers of John Adams, volume 19

Sir London, 7 September 1787

My court has ordered me to inform you that although we have delayed responding up until now regarding the prospective commercial treaty for which we met in London, nevertheless, sir, the wish of Her Most Faithful Majesty is no less ardent, nor less keen, to conclude the same treaty with the United States under acceptable terms and conditions. I have been directed to add, moreover, that my court will not delay, sir, in demonstrating the most convincing and immediate proof thereof.1

I have been asked at the same time to point out to you that it would be very useful and suitable to nominate ministers as soon as possible between the two powers, and my court expressly orders me to try to arrange this important matter with you, sir, and to agree definitively on the status that these ministers will have on their missions. Because receptions at the court of Lisbon are never accorded simply to agents, nor to consuls general, it is imperative in this regard to let you know that it will be necessary to establish their status as resident minister at the very least. As soon as this point is agreed upon, I am ordered to assure you, sir, that the court of Lisbon will lose no time in appointing and sending to America the person chosen to reside with the United States Congress.2


I have the honor to be, with as much consideration as respect, sir, your most humble and most obedient servant

Le chr. DePinto.