Papers of John Adams, volume 17

From Thomas Jefferson

From Richard Cranch

505 From the Baron von Thulemeier, 11 October 1785 Thulemeier, Friedrich Wilhelm, Baron von Adams, John
From the Baron von Thulemeier
Monsieur, à la Haye le 11. Octobre 1785.1

Le Roi m’ayant fait adresser la Ratification du Traité de Commerce & d’Amitié que j’ai eu l’avantage de négocier avec Vous, Monsieur, & Messieurs Vos Collégues, je m’empresse à Vous en donner connoissance. Dès que celle des Etats-Unis d’Amérique Vous sera parvenue, j’adopterai les mesures que Vous jugerez les plus convenables pour procéder à l’échange usité dans les affaires de ce genre. Agréez que je saisisse cette occasion pour Vous renouveler les sentimens de la considération très distinguée avec laquelle j’ai l’honneur d’être, / Monsieur, / Vôtre très-humble et très-obéissant Serviteur

de Thulemeier
Sir The Hague, 11 October 1785 1

I hasten to let you know that the king has sent me the ratification of the treaty of commerce and friendship that I had the privilege of negotiating with you, sir, and with your esteemed colleagues. Once the ratification of the treaty has reached you from the United States of America, I will adopt the measures which you consider most appropriate in order to proceed with the usual exchange of matters of this kind. Allow me to take this opportunity to renew my sentiments to you of the most distinguished consideration with which I have the honor to be, sir, your most humble and most obedient servant

de Thulemeier

RC (Adams Papers); internal address: “Monsieur Adams, / Ministre des Etats Unis á Londres.”; endorsed: “Baron De Thulemeier / 11. Oct. ansd 4. Nov. / 1785.”


In his reply of 4 Nov. (LbC, APM Reel 111), JA thanked Thulemeier for his information regarding the Prussian ratification of the treaty and promised that either he or Thomas Jefferson would inform the Prussian minister of the arrival of Congress’ ratification of the treaty so that the exchange of ratifications could take place. Thulemeier wrote a similar letter to Jefferson on this date to which Jefferson replied on 16 Oct. (Jefferson, Papers , 8:625, 639).