Papers of John Adams, volume 16

Thomas Barclay to John Adams, 9 July 1784 Barclay, Thomas Adams, John
From Thomas Barclay
Dear Sir Paris 9th. July 1784—

I wrote you last post since which I was Informed your things were stop’d at Brussells,1 This must have been Intirely through the Ignorence of the person who had them under his Care He had nothing to do but to Open the Trunks, shew there was nothing Contraband 278 in them and so pass on— and this Idea I impressd as much on him by means of a person who spoke Dutch, as was in my power— But He to avoid the Trouble of having the things Examind Reported them as yours, and this occasiond all the delay that has happen’d—

I immediately went to Passy, and mentiond that a few things which I had sent you had been stoped at Brussells, and both Doctor Franklin and Mr. Wm. Franklin were very ready to do anything in their power, but on talking it over we all thought it better that the application shou’d be made at Brussells by youself—and I suppose you did it Immediately on hearing of the accident—

Mr. Heartly remains here— I have little doubt but I shall have the pleasure of seeing you at Paris before the summer is over.— I will lend you your Cistern during your stay, and if you want a small House, and I Can spare the one I am in, I think it will suit and please you2

I am persuaded you must Come—

Adieu, My Dear Sir and beleive me— / Yrs. Very much

Thos Barclay

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “His Excellency / John Adams Esqre. / at the / Hague”; internal address: “Mr. Adams—”; endorsed: “Mr Barclay / 9. July. 1784 / ansd 19.”


On 5 July, above.


Barclay presumably refers to the house in Paris on “Rue de Mont Parnasse sur le Nouveau Boulevard,” which he had taken when he left Auteuil in April (from Barclay, 18 April, above; Roberts and Roberts, Thomas Barclay , p. 138).

Committee of the States (Continental Congress) to John Adams, 9 July 1784 Committee of the States (Continental Congress) Adams, John
From the Committee of the States
Sir Annapolis [9] July 17841

Your Letters of 27th. of last March, & the 10th of April together with a Copy of the plan of a Treaty proposed by his Prussian Majesty, and Copies of the letters 1 without [date], & one of the [14th] and another of the 25th. [of] March last from the Prussian Minister at the Hague to yourself, relative to that subject, and also a Note from the same Minister respecting the Estate of one Christian Ravenhorst, & of his Widow late of Georgia and the Claims of several Prussian Subjects thereto, have come to hand a few days since, and after the adjournment of Congress: who stand adjourned to the 30th. of Octr: next.2

The Committee of the States not having a power to appoint foreign Ministers, or to form Treaties, cannot grant such a 279 Commission, as you request or make any alterations in the proposed Treaty, or give any Instructions relative thereto. Nor indeed can it now be necessary to be done, as Congress have already appointed yourself, Dr: Franklin and Mr: Jefferson (who we Suppose, is now on his passage from Boston) their Ministers to form Commercial Treaties with most of the Sovereigns of Europe &c, one among whom the King of Prussia is named. Mr: Jefferson carries with him a Commission for that purpose, and such Instructions as Congress have thought proper to give in addition to those heretofore sent to their Ministers.

Touching the subject of the Note abovementioned, upon the supposition that the facts stated in it are true, you are very sensible that the Parties interested may obtain ample Justice in the ordinary Courts of Law, either by their sending an Agent to Georgia, or full Powers to some person there, with the necessary proofs to prosecute their Claims; and that Congress Cannot interfere in the Administration of common Justice within any of the United States; Coppies of the Will & other papers mentioned in the Note, may doubtless be had upon application to the proper Offices in Georgia.

Dft (PCC, No. 32, f. 27–29); endorsed: “No. 7. / Report of Mr. Read / Mr. Dana / Mr. Chase / on Letters of 27th March & 10th April / 1784 from J. Adams Minister / Plenipo. at the Hague with sundry / Papers inclosed— / deld. July 9th. 1784. / Pass’d—”; notation: “The Committee to whom was referred the Letters of Mr: Adams Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States at the Hague, with the papers inclosed, report the following draft of a Letter to him thereupon, to be signed by the Chairman of the Committee of the States.” Text lost due to heavy inking has been supplied from the JCC , 27:579–580.


JA received this letter on or about 18 Sept. and enclosed a “Copy” with his letter to the Baron von Thulemeier of that date (LbC, APM Reel 107). That there is no RC in the Adams Papers may mean that the “Copy” was, in fact, the actual letter from the committee.


The undated letter was Thulemeier’s of 9 April, with which he enclosed the draft Prussian-American treaty of [9 April], both above. When JA copied the letter for Congress, he failed to include the date (PCC, No. 84, V, f. 277–279). The other letters are all at their dates above, and the note concerning the Ravenhorst estate in Georgia is with Thulemeier’s 25 March letter.