Papers of John Adams, volume 14


From Philippe Jean Joseph Lagau

Sir The Hague, 28 February 1783

Baron Dedem lost. Mr. Van Berckel, Burgomaster of Rotterdam and brother of the pensionary from Amsterdam, presented his candidacy unexpectedly and was chosen: venit and vicit. It is therefore he who will be the 306republic's minister to America. I have just given him my hearty congratulations. He sends you his respects. He will be delighted to have you as a traveling companion.1 I have your esteemed letters of the 18th,2 22d, and 23d. I am doing my best for Mr. Wheelock. We shall take good care of your son. Lest I miss the post, this is all I can add for now to the respect with which I am, sir, your very humble and very obedient servant
