Papers of John Adams, volume 12

To Thomas Digges

To Adrianus Dubbeldemuts

From M. Baraux, 21 March 1782 Baraux, M. JA


From M. Baraux, 21 March 1782 Baraux, M. Adams, John
From M. Baraux
Antwerp 21 March 1782 Your Excelence

Being appointed Director of the Imperial priviledged trade Compagnÿ of Trieste and Fiume and almost ready to Set out for the first place where my residence will be, I take the liberty to apply to Your Protection in order to obtain an extensive list of the best Merchands in the different towns of America, with whose the Companÿ Could guet into a reciprocal advantageous connection; I dare flatter my Self, with the Smiling hope, that Your Excelence will be So Kind to grand me that favour.1 I have the honour to present my most dutiful Services and to be with Respect of Your Excelence The most obedient and Humble Servant

Baraux Directeur de La Compaignie Impérial et Roÿale Privilegiée de Trieste & Fiume

RC (Adams Papers).


When it became clear that the Netherlands was likely to recognize American independence and receive JA as minister from the United States, a steady stream of merchants and others began to seek his assistance in his role as minister to the Netherlands. This note was one of the first such letters to reach JA and is an excellent example of the type of assistance desired by merchants hoping to trade with the United States.