Papers of John Adams, volume 12

C. W. F. Dumas to John Adams: A Translation

From C. W. F. Dumas

265 To C. W. F. Dumas, 24 February 1782 JA Dumas, Charles William Frederic


To C. W. F. Dumas, 24 February 1782 Adams, John Dumas, Charles William Frederic
To C. W. F. Dumas
Amsterdam Feb. 24. 1782 Sir

Your favour of the 23, is just come to hand, and I thank you for your Care and skill in the Purchase of the house, and will do honour to your Bills, whenever they appear, by paying the Cash.

Madam La Comtesse de Wickrad, according to your Relation, made me and our states, a most elegant Compliment, for which you will be so good if you please to make my acknowledgments.

Cant it be made convenient, for me to receive Possession of the House forthwith.1 I should prefer that and would pay the Remainder of the Money immediately, in which Case, I would remove at once Some Beds &c at least into it.

Adieu J. Adams

RC (private owner, 1959); endorsed: “248 Amst. 24e. fevr. 1782 S. E. Mr. Adams.”


On 8 March, in the midst of an account of the actions taken by the States General regarding JA’s memorial of 19 April 1781 and his address of 9 Jan. 1782, the Gazette de Leyde noted that “En attendant Mr. Adams vient d’acheter un Hôtel à la Haie, où il fixera son sejour, à compter du 1. Mai prochain.” Translation: In the meantime, Mr. Adams has purchased a house at The Hague and plans to take up residence there about 1 May.