Papers of John Adams, volume 9

To Edmund Jenings

To Gabriel de Sartine

To the President of Congress, No. 45, 15 April 1780 JA Huntington, Samuel President of Congress


To the President of Congress, No. 45, 15 April 1780 Adams, John Huntington, Samuel President of Congress
To the President of Congress, No. 45

Paris, 15 April 1780. RC in John Thaxter's hand (PCC, No. 84, I, f. 455–461). printed: Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. , 3:615–618.

In this letter, received by Congress on 19 Feb. 1781, John Adams included newspaper accounts from Hamburg, Leghorn, Madrid, Paris, and London on a variety of subjects, including the League of Armed Neutrality, Russia's formal declaration of armed neutrality in major European capitals, preparations for a military expedition from Cádiz, and Adams' own arrival in Europe to negotiate peace with Great Britain. The bulk of the letter, however, was devoted to a London newspaper article advancing a “Plan of Pacification,” said to be sponsored by the Rockingham Whigs and aimed at ending the American war, and another London article opposing Rockingham.

RC in John Thaxter's hand (PCC, No. 84, I, f. 455–461). printed: (Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. , 3:615–618.)