Papers of John Adams, volume 8

From Edmund Jenings

From Arthur Lee

From Nicolas Maurice Gellée, 15 March 1779 Gellée, Nicolas Maurice JA


From Nicolas Maurice Gellée, 15 March 1779 Gellée, Nicolas Maurice Adams, John
From Nicolas Maurice Gellée
Dear Sir Passy March 15 1779

I have the Honour to inclose to you some News Papers which contain all the material News you could hear, if yet at Passy. There have been great Troubles in our Opera; But as you were not an Amateur I shall not trouble you with a Relation of 'em. You must have now more entertaining Novelties at Nantes.

I Shall take the Liberty to send you every Week, the news Papers, till your Departure which I suppose will not be so soon; and I have the Honour to be with a very respectfull Affection Dear Sir your most obedient humble Servant

N M Gellée1

You will excuse my bad English.

RC (Adams Papers). Originally filmed under the date of 13 March 1779 (Adams Papers, Microfilms, Reel No. 350).


Little is known about N. M. Gellée, who acted as a secretary for both the Joint Commission and Benjamin Franklin from late 1778 to July 1779 when he and Franklin parted under strained circumstances; but see Franklin, Papers , 26:287–288, and Gellée to JA, 11 Oct. (below).