Papers of John Adams, volume 4
JCC, 4:123).To consider letters from Washington, Schuyler, and Jonathan Trumbull. Reported and report tabled: 16 Feb.; Dft in Chase's hand ( JCC, 4:154–155; PCC, No. 19, VI, f. 189–191).Other duties assigned 5–7 March: to consider additional letters from Washington and one from Lord Stirling ( JCC, 4:185, 188–189). Letters discussed in committee of the whole, 13 March (same, 4:200–201). -
JCC, 4:147).To consider letters from Schuyler, Wooster, and Arnold. Other duties assigned 15 February: to consider additional letters from Schuyler and Wooster and one from Lee (same, 4:151). Reported and resolutions adopted: 17 Feb.; Dft not found (same, 4:157–159). -
JCC, 4:172, 173).To consider a letter from Lee and one from the Convention of New Jersey. Reported: 28 Feb.; Dft not found (same, 4:175). Report on New Jersey rejected: 1 March (same, 4:181, note 3). -
JCC, 4:182).To consider a memorial from Montreal merchants on Indian trade. Reported: 13 March; Dft not found (same, 4:200–201). Resolution adopted: 20 March (same, 4:219). -
JCC, 4:219–220). To confer with Major Elias Wrixon about his becoming chief engineer in Canada.Reported: 30 March, Dft not found (same, 4:242). Wrixon appointed: 12 April (same, 4:275). Wrixon declined: 29 April (same, 4:316). -
JCC, 4:293–294).To ascertain the value of gold and silver coins in relation to Spanish milled dollars. Reported and report tabled: 22 May; Dft in the hand of Wythe and others ( JCC, 4:381–383; PCC, No. 26, f. 1–5).Report recommitted and Thomas Jefferson added to the committee: 24 July ( JCC, 5:608). -
JCC, 4:298).To consider letters from the Committee of Safety of Maryland, Dr. Robert Boyd, the Committee of Inspection of Lancaster, Penna., the Commissioners to Canada, Washington, Schuyler, and the Committee of Inspection of West Augusta, Va. Reported and resolutions adopted: 23 April; Dft in Jay's hand ( JCC, 4:301–303; PCC, No. 21, f. 21–22). -
JCC, 4:307).To consider two letters from Washington. Reported and resolutions adopted: 26 April; Dft not found (same, 4:311–312). -
JCC, 4:321).To consider counterfeited bills of credit. Reported and report tabled: 7 June; Dft in Livingston's hand ( JCC, 5:426; PCC, No. 26, f. 7–10). See alsoJCC, 5:475–476. -
JCC, 4:324).To consider Peter Simon's petition. Reported and resolutions adopted: 22 May; Dft not found (same, 4:374–375). -
Richard Henry Lee, Edward Rutledge (JCC, 4:347).To consider the petition of John Jacobs and others. Report not found. -
JCC, 4:368).To consider South Carolina's resolutions with respect to battalions raised in that colony. Reported: 25 May; Dft not found (same, 4:393). Report recommitted: 7 June (same, 5:425). Resolutions adopted: 18 June (same, 5:461–463). -
JCC, 4:369–370).To consider letters from Washington containing copies of treaties between Britain and German states furnishing mercenaries, from William Palfrey (see No. VIII, above), and John Langdon and a petition from Boston; to publish parts of the treaties; to prepare an address to foreign mercenaries. 19Extracts from the treaties published in a supplement to the Pennsylvania Gazette, 24 May, and in other Pennsylvania newspapers (Washington,Writings, ed. Fitzpatrick, 5:57, note 66). -
JCC, 4:383–384).To consult with Washington, Gates, and Mifflin on means for advancing the American cause in Canada. Reported and resolutions adopted: 24 May; Dft in Harrison's hand ( JCC, 4:387–388; PCC, No. 19, VI, f. 169–171).Robert R. Livingston added to the committee: 24 May ( JCC, 4:388).Other duties assigned 24 May: to confer on measures to prevent enemy “communication with the upper Country from Canada” (same, p. 388–389). Reported and resolutions adopted: 25 May; Dft in Rutledge's hand (same, p. 394–396; PCC, No. 19, VI, f. 173–174). Reported further and resolutions adopted: 29 May; Dft in Lee's hand ( JCC, 4:399–402; PCC, No. 19, VI, f. 185–188). -
JCC, 4:391). (Subsequently, Committee of Conference.)To consult with Washington, Gates, and Mifflin on military planning for the forthcoming campaign and to consider reports on Washington's letters not yet dealt with and those referred to the committee of the whole (same, p. 391, 393). Reported and resolutions adopted: 30 May; Dft not found (same, p. 406–407). Reported and report referred to committee of the whole: 31 May; Dft in Duane's hand (same, p. 408; PCC, No. 19, VI, f. 197–199). Subsequent reports from the committee of the whole on 1, 3, 4, and 5 June ( JCC, 4:410–411, 412–414, 416; 5:417–419). -
JCC, 4:406).To consider a letter from a gentleman in Bermuda to a gentleman in Philadelphia. Reported and report tabled: 6 June; Dft not found (same, 5:421). -
JCC, 5:417).To consider how to deal with those giving intelligence and provisions to the enemy. (Subsequently, Committee on Spies.) Reported and resolutions adopted: 24 June; Dft not found (same, p. 475–476). Other duties assigned 14 June: to revise the articles of war for the consideration of the congress (same, p. 442). 20Reported and report discussed: 7, 19 Aug., 19, 20 Sept.; Dft not found (same, p. 636, 670, 787, 788–807). -
JCC, 5:429).To consider compensation owing to the secretary of the congress for his services. Reported and resolution adopted: 14 June; Dft not found (same, 5:442). -
JCC, 5:517–518).To recommend a design for a seal for the United States. Reported and report laid on the table: 20 Aug. (same, p. 689–691); Dfts printed in Jefferson, Papers, 1:494–497. -
JCC, 5:572).To report a resolution subjecting to confiscation on the seas the property of British subjects, especially those in the West Indies. Reported and report tabled: 19 July; Dft not found (same, p. 591). Resolution adopted: 24 July (same, p. 605–606). -
JCC, 5:609).To consider a petition from Samuel Holden Parsons concerning the murder of his brother. JA added to the committee on 16 Aug., the subject of the committee's deliberations having been mentioned to him in a letter from Parsons (same, 5:661; see also Parsons to JA, 24 July, and JA to Parsons, 3 Aug., below). Reported and resolutions adopted: 21 Aug.; Dft not found ( JCC, 5:692–693). -
JCC, 5:672).To consider a letter from Washington, of 18 Aug. enclosing his correspondence with Lord Drummond. Reported and report tabled: 22 Aug. (same, p. 696); Jefferson's Dft printed in Jefferson, Papers, 1:501–502, one phrase of six words contributed by JA. -
JCC, 5:694).To revise the resolutions and propose additional ones concerning places into which prizes could be carried. Report not found.