Legal Papers of John Adams, volume 1

King's Offer of Settlement

Adams' Minutes of the Review

Deposition of Jonathan Sayward<a xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" href="#LJA01d025n1" class="note" id="LJA01d025n1a">1</a>: 29 June 1774 Sayward, Jonathan


Deposition of Jonathan Sayward: 29 June 1774 Sayward, Jonathan
Deposition of Jonathan Sayward1
29 June 1774

Jonathan Sayward of York in Said County of York, Esqr. Testifys and Says that He very well knew Josiah Beal who lately some years Since was an Inhabitant of the Town of York, but now if liveing re-128sides in some part of Novaskhotia Government as the Deponent Supposes That he was in poor circumstances with respect to Substance when he left York, which is 8 or 10 year ago, and He has never heard that He said Beal has since his remove from York mended his Worldly circumstances.

Jonathan Sayward

Querys put by Mr. King,

Do you Know that Josiah Beal has now any Estate Real or personal in the Town of York?

Answer. The deponent says He does not Know that He Has, any, or that He has not.

Have you heard that said Beal has a grant of two Thousand acres of land in Novascotia Government?2

Answer The Deponent has no remembrance that he has ever heard of such a Grant of land to said Beal.

Verification omitted.

York, 29 June 1774, SF 139645. In a clerk's hand, signed by Sayward. Presumably “Deacon” Jonathan Sayward, a loyalist sympathizer, who retained his power in the community after the Revolution. See 1 Adams Family Correspondence 111 note. Sayward had earlier refused an offer of preferment for fear of the Sons of Liberty; see Sayward to Thomas Hutchinson, 22 Aug. 1769, 26 Mass. Arch. 328.


King seems to have been trying to bring out that Beal had been bribed by the defendants to leave the Province. Beal was probably one of the rioters; his note of hand for £139/12/1 had been among those destroyed. SF 139590.