Adams Family Correspondence, volume 9

Abigail Adams Smith to Abigail Adams, 27 March 1792 Smith, Abigail Adams Adams, Abigail
Abigail Adams Smith to Abigail Adams
my Dear Mamma New York March 27th 1792

I this day received your Letter of the 23d inst and was rejoiced once more to see your own hand writing—1 I have for some time feared that you were more indisposed than you would permit me to be informed of, I have suffered much anxiety on your account— inded my hands head and heart have been fully employed since I left you the former in preparing for my voyage and the latter by the indisposition of my best Friend— I have already written you an account of his health. we flatter ourselvs that he is recovering—but my fears at times overcomes my resolution— I am more and more convinced of the propriety of accompanying him he is I beleive more convinced than ever he was before of the necessity of attention to his diett— he has never since I knew him had so severe an attack—Mr Bailie says that the voyage will be of service to his health—and I hope it will—yet an anxious sollicitude for his wellfare must occupy my mind—and agitate my spirits—2


the Ship has been waiting for us a week and we have been detained by contrary winds since sunday which has been a most fortunate circumstance to us. the Blister which I mentioned to you has almost healed and my friend has recovered his strength— I have been on board this afternoon and have had our Beds arranged the accommodations are very tolerable much like those which you had in Callihams Ship—3 the season is favourable and I will not anticipate evill consequences

I am happy to inform you that my friend has not been injured by this derangement of Mr Duers affairs—and it is almost a miracle that he was not— altho he had more confidence in Mr Duer than some other Persons yet he has been extremely cautious of committing his property to any one without receiving sufficient security—which has not consisted in any Mans name but the public paper and so long as that holds good he is secure— this I am sure will be a sattisfaction to you to be informed of but almost this whole City are some way or other connected in this Business— many Persons having endorsed his Notes from their relyance upon his stability who have received no equivalent have become responsible for many Thousands beyond their own ability— there must be knavery somewhare Charles has written to his Father his sentiments in full, how they will be received I dont know—4 he is I must say very attentive to his office and Mr Troup has full employment for him—5 I have done my duty and have made up my mind to say no more upon the Subject let what will happen— I have indeavourd to persuade Sally to go with us—and She had consented, but her Mamma would not give her consent because she would not go free and unbiassed in her mind— there is a strange jumble; in a variety of oppinions there is much perplexity— they are both equally obstinate, but he is to bear the blame;— but the radical fault is in treating him, or any other Gentleman with too much attention—without intending it should make an impression—and whare there does exist reasons to the contrary—6

I hope as the spring opens that you my Dear Mamma will recover your health— do not attempt to stay longer in Philadelphia than the roads will admit of your going Eastward— I shall be very anxious to hear of your health by every Packett— Mr Hammond will I dare say with pleasure inclose your letters— you know how painfull it is to be seperated from friends anxious to hear from them and disappointed in Letters.—

I scarce know how to close my Letter so many and various 276feelings operate upon my mind may you my Dear Mamma be restored to health is the sincere Prayer of / your Daughter

A Smith—

my respects to my Pappa and Love elsewhere—

RC (Adams Papers); docketed: “Mrs Smith to / her Mother / March 27th 1792.”


Not found.


Possibly Dr. Richard Bayley (1745–1801), a prominent New York physician who was professor of anatomy and later surgery at Columbia College ( DAB ).


For AA's Diary account of her voyage on John Callahan's ship Lucretia, sailing home from England in 1788, see JA, D&A , 3:212–217.


CA's letter to JA has not been found. William Duer had been involved in land and bank stock speculation on a massive scale for several years, dating back to his time as secretary to the Board of Treasury in the mid-1780s. When the federal government finally brought suit against him for two unbalanced accounts, his financial empire collapsed and he was sent on 23 March 1792 to debtors’ prison, where he remained, excepting a brief release, until his death in 1799. Duer's failure triggered a major financial panic in New York City as the speculative bubble burst and other financiers were driven into insolvency and bankruptcy. The collapse ultimately affected all levels of New York society ( DAB ; Young, Democratic Republicans , p. 298–299). For WSS's involvement in speculation, see AA to Mary Smith Cranch, 12 Dec. 1790, and note 2, above.


Robert Troup (1757–1832), King's College 1774, studied law with John Jay among others. He had previously served in the Continental Army and as secretary to the Board of War, and was a close political ally and friend of Alexander Hamilton ( DAB ).


This is apparently the first reference to a growing affection between CA and Sarah (Sally) Smith, AA2's sister-in-law (designated as SSA in The Adams Papers ). The couple would eventually marry in 1795. For a 1785 description of her by JQA, see vol. 6:242.

Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams, 8 April 1792 Cranch, Mary Smith Adams, Abigail
Mary Smith Cranch to Abigail Adams
My dear Sister Quincy April 8th 1792

I last Week receiv'd your Letter of the 20th & 21d of March with cousin Louisias giving me an account of your sickness If I had receiv'd hers first I should have been distress'd indeed. but I had not a hint of your Illness till I receiv'd those Letters When you wrote before you told me you felt an attack of your intermiting Fever I have been anxious ever since. I dare not indulge my fears I must always hope the best & endeavour to be prepair'd for the worst—& thank Heaven I am not yet call'd to this severe trial— I rejoice you have had such kind Friends about you—& that you have not wanted any alleviation that the comforts of Life could afford you— The world are much mistaken if they think you do not have your trials as well as others. but those in the lower walks of like are apt think the affluent must be happy

I hope before this your Fever has left you & that the next letter will bring me tydings of your restor'd health & that you are upon your journey to your quiet Habitation at Quincy


I went yesterday to Weymouth to consult the Doctor about what you wish to have done to your House & suppose it will be began next week to be painted— mr Prat will have the windows ready this week— mr Loud is remov'd to the eastward— I hope every thing will be done before you arrive— your wood is in the yard the Pine split up & put into the woodhouse— The Doctor Says he will look out for some sugar— If there is any thing you wish us to get into the House for you prey let us know it—

Lucy is return'd but mrs Norton is not well is troubled with a bad sore mouth & several other complaints—but her Baby grows finely & is as quiet as a Lamb—

I hear Coll: Smith has Sail'd so conclude his sickness was short but I pity Mrs Smith She must have an anxious Voyage

We have an amaizing forward spring—such an one was scarcly ever known here the verdure is delightful already—

Cousin Thomas is well I hope do not leave him to sicken in Philidelphia— William is well but poor Billy Shaw is not better—

I had a Letter from Sister Shaw the same eve I had yours—1 She is full of trouble about her Son I really felt as if I had a cluster of woes presented me at once but when I consider'd I found they were greatly overballanc'd by mercies— may I never lose sight of them.

We are going wrong in our Politicks Doctor Tufts is like to be left out of the Senate there is a party who can never have their wishes granted while such men as he are in2

I am greatly oblig'd to my dear Louisia for her Letter but I have not time to answer it pray give my Love to her & my belov'd Thomas

May your health be restor'd & nothing happen to dissapoint the fondest hopes of your / affectionate Sister

Mary Cranch

RC (Adams Papers); addressed by Richard Cranch: “To / Mrs. Abigail Adams / at / Philadelphia.”


Not found.


Cotton Tufts was not returned to the Mass. senate in the 1792 elections; he had served since 1781 (Mass., Acts and Laws , 1792–1793, p. 139; Sibley's Harvard Graduates , 12:497).