Adams Family Correspondence, volume 8

Thomas Brand Hollis to Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams to Abigail Adams Smith

John Callahan to Abigail Adams, 8 April 1788 Callahan, John Adams, Abigail
John Callahan to Abigail Adams
London April: 8th. 1788 Madam—

I had the Honor of Receiving a letter from you yesterday— we have had such—Boysterous weather Since your Departur from here that for 6 days. I had the Pilot on board, & he Would not ventur to moove the Ship: but She is Now in the Downes & will be at Portsmouth the first fair wind: I Shall proceed from here so as to get to Portsmouth before the Ship so that my Departure from here will in some Measure depend upon the winds— I will wate on Mr. Vassel this Evening with your Commands: Mrs. Callahan returns you her most respectfull thanks For your, kind attention, in remembering 254here— please To present our Respects to, his Excellency—& am very Respectfully— / Madam / your most humbl servt.

John Callahan

Mr. Ward Boylstons: with whom I had the honor dineing with today Desires his most Respectful Compliments to you & his Excellency

RC (Adams Papers); internal address: “Mrs: Adams” and “To Mrs. Adams—”