Adams Family Correspondence, volume 6

Abigail Adams to Elizabeth Cranch

Elizabeth Smith Shaw to Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams to Benjamin Franklin, 3 December 1784 AA Franklin, Benjamin


Abigail Adams to Benjamin Franklin, 3 December 1784 Adams, Abigail Franklin, Benjamin
Abigail Adams to Benjamin Franklin
Auteuel December 3 1784

Mrs. Adams'es Respectfull Compliments to Dr. Franklin, is much obliged to him for the oil he was so kind as to send her, and is very sorry that his indisposition deprived her of the Honour of his company to dinner.1 Mrs. Adams takes the Liberty of recommending a Sedan Chair, by which the inconvenience arising from a Carriage might be avoided.

RC (PU: Franklin, Papers ); addressed: “To Honbll. Dr. Franklin Passy”; docketed: “Dec. 3d. 1784.”


On 2 Dec., Franklin, suffering from gout and “stone,” wrote to JA to decline his invitation to dinner, “which he should accept with Pleasure, but that he finds himself oblig'd to renounce dining abroad, his Malady rendring it on many accounts extreamly inconvenient to him” (NN: Franklin Papers). On this same date, the Adamses gave a dinner for the Swedish minister and several other diplomats (AA to Elizabeth Cranch, 3 Dec., above).