Adams Family Correspondence, volume 3

John Quincy Adams to Lucy Cranch

John Adams to Abigail Adams

James Warren to Abigail Adams, 2 June 1778 Warren, James AA


James Warren to Abigail Adams, 2 June 1778 Warren, James Adams, Abigail
James Warren to Abigail Adams
Madam Boston June 2. 1778

A Vessel is designed for France in two or three days1 which will be A very good Opportunity for A Conveyance of Letters to Mr. Adams who I hope and beleive is safe Arrived in France Notwithstanding the Report that lately prevailed here. I hope the first Arrivals will shew that my Faith is well grounded and true. Any Letters you shall send to my Care shall be sent forward in the most Careful Manner.

I am in Haste Madm. Your Most Humbe. Servt., J Warren

RC (Adams Papers.)


“Agreeable to the Directions of the Honble. Marine Committee, We have provided the Scooner Dispatch, Corbin Barns Master, for the purpose of Conveying to you some Packetts of Great Importance; which are to be forwarded to you through the Council of this State” (James Warren and John Deshon to the American Commissioners at Paris, Navy Board, Eastern Department, Boston, 8 June 1778, PPAmP:Franklin Papers).