Adams Family Correspondence, volume 2

John Adams to Abigail Adams

Abigail Adams to John Adams

Jonathan Mason to Abigail Adams, 18 September 1776 Mason, Jonathan Jr. AA


Jonathan Mason to Abigail Adams, 18 September 1776 Mason, Jonathan Jr. Adams, Abigail
Jonathan Mason to Abigail Adams
Madam Boston 1 Sep: 18. 1776

I was extreemly sorry I could not pay that attention to your son Johnny, as I should wish to have done, had not I been very diligently employed in other business. Should esteem it as a favour that whenever You trust any of them to town, you would direct them to my father's house, and I am repeatedly desired by my sister to request your consent to Miss Nabby's coming into town and tarrying with us 127as long as inclination and improvement can make it agreeable. My mite, I doubt not you are assured will be chearfully contributed to her emolument. I forwarded your last letters by the post the first Opportunity, and have only to beg that whenever occasion calls, you would not hesitate to command me to any task. It would afford me great pleasure to have it in my power to compensate in some measure, for many unexpected, unmerited civilities, I mett with at your house. Inclosed you have a letter just handed me, but I am ignorant by whom.—Had not a liberal mind induced you to mention it in your letter,2 I had notwithstanding determined in my own mind, to have wrote, when Politicks or some other general topic had occurred, and if proper, should be extreemly happy in perusing a return.

I am with great respect Your hum. Servt., J Mason Jr.3

One Mr. Payne in Boston is a fine tutor for the young ladies.

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “For Mrs. Adams In Braintree Pr. favour.” Enclosure: probably a recent letter from JA to AA, not now identifiable.


MS torn by seal.


Not found.


Mason, who was nominally still apprenticed to JA as law clerk, had written JA on 12 Aug. (Adams Papers), saying that he had “resolved . . . closely to pursue the science of the Law,” outlining his progress and plans, and asking whether he should accept an invitation to enter Perez Morton's law office. In his reply of 21 Aug. (LbC, Adams Papers), JA suggested further studies and advised Mason to accept Morton's “kind Offer, provided you dont find the Practice of his Office interferes too much with your studies, which I dont think it will.”