Diary of John Quincy Adams, volume 1

2d Saturday.

4th. Monday.

3d. Sunday. JQA


3d. Sunday. Adams, John Quincy
3d. Sunday.

Mr. Gummer arrived there at about 8 o'clock in the morning. Here people generally change their russian money for Swedish Rixdallers. We paid 1 Rbl. 40 cop. for each Rixdaller. Mr. Gummer supped out.

List of the roads from Wibourg to Frederichshamm.
From Wibourg to wersts
Terwajoki Tervayokki 20.
Willajoki Willayokki 17.
Urpala Urpola 23.
Pytterlax Puterlar 16
Kouckis1 18
Frederichshamm 16.

From Wibourg to Frederichshamm you pay the same for the horses and for the postillions as from Lindola to Wibourg; the roads in general are at present very bad, and no such thing as a tavern upon the whole way.


In the “Carte de la partie européenne de l'empire de Russie,” Hrenwik is listed as 16 versts from Frederichshamm. See entry for 1 Nov., note 1 (above).