Index: Consolidated Sterne, Laurence 19 Sentimental Journey AFC03 273-274 277 279 xxxiv AFC06 162 340 342 AFC07 22 28 51 52 81-82 128 DQA01 195 DCA01 138 139 DCA02 219 DJA02 380 DJA03 147 10 Tristram Shandy AFC03 257 273-274 xxxiv AFC07 82 84 103-104 111 DQA02 371 DCA07 288 LJA01 56 5 mentioned AFC03 258 AFC05 176 DCA02 13 14 391 4 “Shandeanism” reproved AFC03 257 273 xxxiv AFC04 93 2 Letters of the Late Rev. Mr. Laurence Sterne AFC07 54 56 2 Sermons of Mr. Yorick DQA01 407 DQA02 330 1 Sermons of Mr. Yorick and Letters from Yorick to Eliza AFC03 273-274 1 Sermons, CFA summarizes a sermon on Sundays, 12 March 1837-21 Jan. 1838 DCA07 203-384 passim 1 sermons DCA02 322 1 writings of AFC07 49 DCA05 386 DCA06 93 401 PJA11 404