Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 20, W
Wadsworth, Col. Jeremiah (Conn. representative)
Wadsworth, John (son of Peleg)
Wadsworth, Gen. Peleg (U.S.)
Wallachia (Ottoman province)
Walton, George (Ga. politician)
War Department, U.S.
Warren, James (1726–1808, Mass. politician)
Warren, Dr. John (Harvard professor)
Warren, Dr. Joseph (1741–1775, of Boston)
Warren, Mercy Otis (historian, wife of James)
Warren, Mass.
Warsaw, Poland
Warwick, R.I.
Washington, George
Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis (wife of George)
Washington, D.C.
Washington (ship)
Waterhouse, Dr. Benjamin (Harvard professor)
Watertown, Conn.
Watson, Elizabeth Oliver (wife of George)
Watson, Elkanah, Jr. (Amer. merchant)
Watson, George (brother of Elkanah, Jr.)
Watson, Marston (of Marblehead, Mass.)
Watson & Greenleaf (N.Y. mercantile firm)
Webb, Col. Samuel Blachley (N.Y. merchant)
Webster, Noah
Welch, Lt. Hezekiah (of Boston)
Welsh, Dr. Thomas (of Boston)
Wendell, Oliver (Mass. judge)
West, Benjamin (artist)
Westford, Mass.
West Indies
West Nottingham, Md.
Wethersfield, Conn.
Weymouth, Mass.
Whale oil
Whigs (Amer.)
Whipple, Abigail Gardiner (wife of Oliver)
Whipple, Oliver (Portsmouth, N.H., lawyer)
White, Alexander (Va. representative)
Whitehall Evening Post (London)
Wight, Isle of
Wijk bij Duurstede, Netherlands
Wilberforce, William (M.P.)
Wild, Bartholomé (Dutch bookseller)
Willard, Rev. Joseph (pres. of Harvard)
William III, King of England and Stadholder of the Netherlands
William I (the Silent), Prince of Orange
William V, Prince of Orange and Stadholder of the Netherlands
Williams, Capt. John Foster (Amer. sailor)
Williamsburg, Va.
Williamsport, Md.
Willink, Hester Bierens (wife of Wilhem)
Willink, Hester van Lennep (wife of Jan)
Willink, Wilhem & Jan (Amsterdam banking firm)
Willis, Dr. Francis (Brit. physician)
Wills and estates
Wilmington, N.C.
Wilson, James (Penn. lawyer and jurist)
Winchester, England
Wingate, Paine (N.H. senator)
Winthrop, John (1588–1649, colonial gov. of Mass.)
Winthrop, John (1714–1779, Harvard professor)
Winthrop, Samuel (former clerk of Suffolk Superior Court)
Wiscasset, Maine
Wiseman, Sir Robert
Witherspoon, Rev. John (of N.J.)
Wolcott, Oliver, Sr. (1726–1797, lt. gov. of Conn.)
Wolcott, Oliver, Jr. (1760–1833, U.S. comptroller)
Wolf, Friedrich August (Prussian philologist)
Wood, Thomas
Woodfall, William (Brit. journalist)
Woodward, Joseph (of Braintree)
Worcester, Mass.
Worcester County, Mass.
World (London)
Worsley, Capt. James (of the Sebastian)
Worthington, Dr. John (of Baltimore, Md.)
Wright, Sir James (former governor of Georgia)
Wyandot Nation
Wyck, Netherlands
Wynkoop, Henry (Penn. representative)
Wynkoop, Dr. James (Baltimore physician)
Wythe, George (of Va.)