Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 20, D
Daggett’s Inn (Providence, R.I.)
Daily Advertiser (N.Y.)
Dalton, Tristram (Newburyport merchant)
Dana, Elizabeth Ellery (wife of Francis)
Dana, Francis (Mass. judge)
Dane, Nathan (Mass. politician)
Danville, Ky.
Dashiell, Capt. Benjamin (Baltimore physician)
D’Averhoult, Jan Anthony (Jean Antoine, Dutch Patriot)
Davila, Enrico Caterino (Italian author)
Davis, William (of Boston)
Dawes, Thomas, Jr. (Boston lawyer)
Dawes family
Deblois, Capt. William (of the Medford)
Declaration of Independence
Dedham, Mass.
Defoe, Daniel
Delany, Sharp (Phila. apothecary)
Delaware Nation
Delaware River
Delft, Netherlands
Delivet, Lt. Pierre (French)
Demosthenes (Athenian orator)
Derbyshire, England
Deschamps, Pierre (French merchant)
Detroit, Mich.
Devonshire, England
Dexter, Dr. Aaron (of Boston)
Diacceto, Jacopo da (Florentine nobleman)
Diary (London)
Dickinson, John (Penn. politician)
Diderot, Denis (French philosophe)
Dilly, Charles (London bookseller)
Diogenes (Greek philosopher)
Diogenes Laertius (Greek author)
Dionysius of Halicarnassus
Disney, Rev. John
Dobson, Thomas (Phila. bookseller)
Documentary History of the First Federal Congress
Doegs’ Neck (now Mason Neck), Va.
Domat, Jean
Donald, Alexander (Va. planter)
Donati family
Doorn, Capt. Klaas (of the Margaretha)
Dorchester, Gen. Sir Guy Carleton, 1st Baron (gov. general of Canada)
Dorchester, Mass.
Dormer, Sir Clement Cottrell (Brit. master of ceremonies at court)
Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3d Duke of (former Brit. ambassador to France)
Dorset, England
Dovara family
Drayton, William (S.C. lawyer)
Drinker, Henry (Penn. merchant)
Drysdale, Dr. Thomas (of Baltimore, Md.)
Duane, James (N.Y. judge)
Ducher, Gaspard Joseph Amand (French lawyer)
Duffield, George (Presbyterian minister)
Dumas, Charles William Frederic (U.S. agent at The Hague)
Duncan, Capt. Robert (of Phila.)
Dunlap, John (Phila. printer)
Dutch language
Dutch Reformed Church
Duxbury, Mass.