Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 19 Prussia 12 relations with France PJA19 138 172 215 217 218 227 235 273 321 322 323 369–70 12 restoration of William V and PJA19 xiv 165 171 172 207 208 216 218 225 227 322 340 7 relations with Britain PJA19 181 208 290 321 331 370 394 6 relations with Poland PJA19 307 309 322 357 364 365 4 army of PJA19 xiv 168–69 227 357 2 Anglo-Prussian defensive pact and PJA19 309 322 2 Anglo-Prussian-Dutch alliance and PJA19 309 331 2 Austro-Turkish War and PJA19 358 369 2 relations with Austria PJA19 215 322 2 Russo-Swedish War and PJA19 161 357 1 JA on PJA19 296 1 JQA visits PJA19 352 1 Dutch Patriots’ immigration to PJA19 225 1 relations with Denmark PJA19 357 1 relations with Russia PJA19 215 1 relations with Spain PJA19 323 1 relations with U.S. PJA19 44 1 Russo-Turkish War and PJA19 369