Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 19, J
Jackson, Richard (Brit. lawyer)
Jackson, Maj. William (of S.C.)
Jamaica, Long Island, N.Y.
James II, King of England
Jane and Elizabeth (Amer. brig)
Jardine, Maj. Alexander (Brit.)
Jarvis, James (N.Y. merchant)
Jarvis, Leonard (Boston merchant)
Jay, John (secy. for foreign affairs)
Jay, Sarah Van Brugh Livingston (wife of John)
Jebb, Dr. John (Brit. physician)
Jefferson, Martha (Patsy, daughter of Thomas)
Jefferson, Mary (Polly, daughter of Thomas)
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeffries, Dr. John (loyalist)
Jenckes, John (Providence, R.I., merchant)
Jenings, Edmund (of Md. and Brussels)
Jenkinson, Charles (M.P.)
Jenks, John (Salem, Mass., merchant)
Jews and Judaism
John, King of England
John (merchant ship)
John and Margaret (ship)
Johnson, Samuel
Johnson, William Samuel (pres. of Columbia)
Jones, John Coffin (Boston merchant)
Jones, Capt. John Paul (U.S.)
Jones, Sir William
Joseph II, German Emperor
Josselyn, Benjamin (of New Braintree, Mass.)
Judiciary, U.S.