Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 19, G
Gadsden, Catherine Edwards (wife of Philip)
Gadsden, Christopher (Charleston, S.C., merchant)
Gadsden, Philip (son of Christopher)
Gage, Gen. Thomas (former gov. of Mass.)
Gaine, Hugh (N.Y. printer)
Gainsborough (ship)
Galloway, Joseph (loyalist)
Games and pastimes
Gardens and gardening
Gardiner, Joseph (Amer. sailor)
Garth, Maj. Gen. George (Brit.)
Gazette d’Amsterdam
Gazette de la Haye
Gazette de Leyde
Geddes, Mary Wilmer (wife of William)
Geddes, William (of Chestertown, Md.)
Gelderland (province of the Netherlands)
General Washington (Continental packet)
Genoa, Italy
George III, King of England
George, Prince of Wales (later George IV)
Gerry, Ann Thompson (wife of Elbridge)
Gerry, Elbridge (Mass. politician)
Gibbes, Henry (of Charleston, S.C.)
Gibbon, Edward
Gibraltar, Strait of
Gillon, Como. Alexander (S.C. navy)
Gilman, Nicholas (N.H. representative)
Gloucester, Mass.
Goeree-Overflakkee, Netherlands
Goldstone, Mr. (Portsmouth, England, surgeon)
Goodhue, Benjamin (Salem, Mass., politician)
Gordon, Thomas
Gordon, Rev. William (of Jamaica Plain, Mass.)
Gorham, Nathaniel (Mass. politician)
Gorham, Stephen (of Charlestown)
Görtz, Johann Eustach, Baron von (Prussian minister to Netherlands)
Gower, Granville Leveson-Gower, 2d Earl (Lord Privy Seal)
Graham, Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay (Brit. historian)
Grainger, Jacob (Amer. sailor)
Grand, Ferdinand (Paris banker)
Grand, Georges (Paris banker)
Gravesend, England
Gray, Capt. Robert (of the Columbia Rediviva)
Grayson, William (Va. member of Congress)
Great Britain
Great Lakes
Greek language
Green, Capt. John (of the Empress of China)
Green, Richard Draper (Boston sailor)
Greene, George Washington (son of Nathanael)
Greene, Gen. Nathanael (U.S.)
Grenoble, France
Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, 1st Baron (Brit. statesman)
Griffin, Cyrus (pres. of Congress)
Groot, Apolonius van Ryck de (of Amsterdam)
Guild, Benjamin, Sr. (Boston bookseller)
Gustavus III, King of Sweden