Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 18, W
Wabash River
Wadnoon (region of Morocco)
Wadsworth, Col. Jeremiah (of Hartford, Conn.)
Walajah, Mohammad Ali Khan, Nawab of Arcot
Wales, Rev. Samuel (Yale professor)
Walladia, Morocco
Walpole, Robert (Brit. minister to Portugal)
Walterstorff (Waltersdorff), Ernst Frederik, Baron von (chamberlain to the king of
War of the Austrian Succession
Warren, Charles (son of James)
Warren, James (Mass. politician), AA on
Warren, Mercy Otis (historian, wife of James)
Warren, Winslow (son of James)
Warren family
Warwickshire, England
Washington, George
Washington, John Augustine (of Va.)
Watson, Brook (Brit. politician and merchant)
Watt, James (Scottish engineer)
Watwood, Thomas (of N.Y.)
Wells, Nathaniel (of Mass.)
Werner (Warner), Dr. Philip (Brit. physician)
Western lands
West Indies
Westmoreland County, Va.
Wetherill, William (of London)
Weymouth, England
Weymouth, Mass.
Whale fishery
Whale oil
Whately, Thomas
White, Rev. William (bishop of Penn.)
Whitehaven, England
Whitfield, Rev. George (Brit. Methodist)
Wibird, Rev. Anthony (of Braintree)
Wilhelmina, Princess of Orange
William V, Prince of Orange and Stadholder of the Netherlands
Williams, George (cotton spinner)
Williams, John (loyalist, father of Jonathan)
Williams, Jonathan, Jr. (Benjamin Franklin’s grandnephew)
Williams, Samuel (Harvard professor)
Willing, Morris, & Swanwick (Phila. mercantile firm)
Willink, Jan (Amsterdam banker)
Willink, Wilhem (Amsterdam banker)
Willink, Wilhem & Jan (Amsterdam banking firm)
Wilmington, Del.
Windsor Castle
Wines and spirits
Wingrove, John (merchant)
Witt, Cornelius de (brother of Johan)
Witt, Johan de (seventeenth-century grand pensionary)
Woddrop, John (Glasgow merchant)
Wolf, John (Cork, Ireland, merchant)
Wolfe (Wolf or Woulf), John (Algiers merchant)
Wollstonecraft, Mary (Brit. writer)
Worcester, Battle of
Worcester, Mass.
Worcester County, Mass.
Worcestershire, England
Wright, Patience Lovell (wax modeler)
Wyck, Netherlands
Wyer (Wier), Thomas (sheriff of Charlotte Co., New Brunswick)
Wyoming Valley, Penn.