Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 18, R
Rabat, Morocco
Ramsay, David (S.C. member of Congress)
Randall, Paul R. (secy. to Lamb)
Randall, R. R. (brother of Paul R.)
Randall, Thomas (U.S. vice consul at Canton)
Randolph, Edmund (of Va.)
Randolph, Harrison (of Va.)
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (grandson of Thomas Jefferson)
Rappahannock River, Va.
Raymond, Comte de (French nobleman in London)
Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François, Abbé (French historian)
Rayneval, Joseph Mathias Gérard de (secy. to Vergennes)
Read, George (of Del.)
Reed, James (London merchant)
Reed, Mrs. (wife of James)
Remembrancer (London)
Remsen, Henry, Jr. (clerk to John Jay)
Reventlow, Frederik, Count von (Danish envoy to Britain)
Revisnie, Karl Emmerich Reviczky, Baron von (Austrian minister to Britain)
Rex v. Wemms
Rhode Island
Richmond, England
Richmond and Lennox, Charles Lennox, 3d Duke of (Brit. politician)
Ridley, Matthew (Amer. merchant)
Riga, Latvia
Rittenhouse, David (astronomer and mathematician)
Robarts, Mr. (Brit. merchant)
Robertson, William
Robinson-Morris, Matthew, 2d Baron Rokeby (Brit. writer)
Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de (French commander in
Rocher, Jean Baptiste du (French consul to Morocco)
Rochester, N.H.
Rogers, Abigail Bromfield (wife of Daniel)
Rogers, Daniel Denison (Boston merchant)
Rogers & Bromfield (London mercantile firm)
Rogue, M.
Rohan, Louis René Edouard, Cardinal de (French cleric)
Rohan-Polduc, Emmanuel de, Grand Master of Malta
Rokeby, Matthew Robinson-Morris, 2d Baron
Rokeby, England
Romilly, Samuel
Rotch, William (Nantucket merchant)
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Rouen, France
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Rowe, John (Boston merchant)
Royal Society (London)
Rucker, Jane (Janet) Marshall (wife of John)
Rucker, John (N.Y. banker)
Rusé (merchant ship)
Rush, Dr. Benjamin (of Phila.)
Russell, Thomas (Boston Merchant)
Rutledge, Edward (of S.C.)