Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 18, F
Fagel, Hendrik (secy. of States General)
Fairfax County, Va.
Falmouth, England
Falmouth (now Portland), Maine
Faneuil, Benjamin (Boston merchant)
Farmers General
Faulder, Robert (London bookseller)
Fawcett, Maj. Gen. Sir William (Brit.)
Fawkener, William (Brit. negotiator)
Fedala, Morocco
Fennish, Sidi Haj Tahar Ben Abdulhaq (Moroccan diplomat)
Ferdinand II, King of Spain
Fez, Morocco
Fitzherbert, Alleyne (Brit. envoy to Russia)
Fitzherbert, Maria (wife of George, Prince of Wales)
FitzSimons (Fitzsimmons), Thomas (of Penn.)
Fizeaux, Henri, & Co. (Amsterdam banking firm)
Floridablanca, José de Moñino y Redondo, Conde de (Spanish foreign minister)
Food and drink
Forbes, Edward (Dublin merchant)
Fordhook (Brit. estate)
Forrest & Stoddert (London mercantile firm)
Forsyth, Alexander (Algerian prisoner)
Foster, William (Boston merchant)
Foster, William, & Co. (Boston mercantile firm)
Fothergill, Dr. John (Brit. physician)
Fox, Charles James (M.P.)
Fox, Mr.
Fox-North coalition
Franco-American Consular Convention
Franco-American treaties
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, John (of N.Y.)
Franklin, William Temple (grandson of Benjamin)
Franks, Lt. Col. David Salisbury (secy. to Barclay)
Fraser, Capt. John (of the Jane and Elizabeth)
Fraser (Frazier), William (Brit. undersecy. of state)
Frederick II (the Great), King of Prussia
Frederick William II, King of Prussia
Frederick (later Rice’s, now Dudley) Island, Maine
Freire, Ciprião Ribeiro, Chevalier de (Portuguese chargé d’affaires to
French, Joseph (of N.H.)
French Island, Canton Harbor, China
French language
French Navy
French Revolution
Friesland (province of the Netherlands)
Froullé, Jacques François (French publisher)
Fundy, Bay of
Furniture and furnishings
Fur trade