Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 17, J
Jackson, David (Penn. member of Congress)
Jackson, Jonathan (Mass. merchant)
James I, King of England
James II, King of England
Jarvis, James (N.Y. merchant)
Jay, Sir James (brother of John)
Jay, John (secy. for foreign affairs)
Jebb, Ann Torkington (wife of John)
Jebb, Dr. John (Brit. physician)
Jefferson, Martha (Patsy, daughter of Thomas)
Jefferson, Thomas
Jeffries, Dr. John (1745–1819)
Jenings, Edmund (of Md. and Brussels)
Jenkinson, Charles (M.P.)
Johnson, Sir John (Brit. superintendent and inspector general for the Six Nations)
Johnson, Joshua (of Md., Nantes, and London)
Johnson, Thomas, Jr. (gov. of Md.)
Johnson, William Samuel (of Conn.)
Johnson, Capt. (of the Union)
Johnston, Maj. David (Brit. marine)
Johnston, Lt. George (son of David)
Jones, Capt. John Paul (U.S.)
Jones, Nathan
Joseph II, German Emperor