Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 17, H
Hague, The, Netherlands
Haidar Ali, Sultan of Mysore
Hailes, Daniel (secy. of the Brit. embassy at Paris)
Haldimand, Gen. Fredric (Brit. commander in chief in Canada)
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hall, Susanna Boylston Adams (1709–1797, mother of JA)
Hallowell, Capt. Benjamin (husband of Mary Boylston)
Hallowell, Mary Boylston (1st cousin of JA’s mother)
Hamilton, Alexander
Hammond, George (Brit. minister to U.S.)
Hampshire (Hants) County, England
Hanbury, Osgood (Md. trustee)
Hancock, John (gov. of Mass.)
Hancock, Joseph (London merchant)
Hanover, Germany
Harcourt, George Simon, 2d Earl of
Hardy, Samuel (Va. member of Congress)
Harris, Sir James (Brit. minister to the Netherlands)
Harrison, Benjamin (gov. of Va.)
Harrison, Richard Hanson (of Alexandria, Va., and Cádiz, Spain)
Harrison, Mr.
Hartley, David (Brit. peace negotiator)
Hartwell, Jonas (Mass. merchant)
Harvard College
Harvard University Press
Harwich, England
Havana, Cuba
Haverhill, Mass.
Havre, Le (Havre de Grâce), France
Hay, Capt. John (husband of Katherine)
Hay, Katherine Farnham (of Newburyport)
Hayes, Mrs.
Health and illnesses
Heath, Maj. Gen. William (U.S.)
Hellevoetsluis, Netherlands
Helsingör (Elsinore), Denmark
Henry, Prince of Prussia
Henry, Patrick (of Va.)
Higginson, Stephen (of Mass.)
Hodshon, John (Amsterdam banker)
Hodshon, John, & Zoon (Amsterdam banking firm)
Holdernesse, Robert D’Arcy, 4th Earl of (Brit. secy. for foreign affairs)
Holdsworth, Arthur (M.P.)
Holten, Dr. Samuel (Mass. member of Congress)
Holyoke, Dr. Edward Augustus (pres. of Mass. Medical Society)
Hood, Rear Adm. Samuel Hood, 1st Viscount
Hoop, Joan Cornelis van der (comptroller of Amsterdam College of Admiralty)
Hopewell, Penn.
Hopkins, Stephen (R.I. member of Congress)
Houdon, Jean Antoine (French sculptor)
Howard, Martin, Jr. (loyalist)
Howe, Adm. Richard
Howe peace commission (1776)
Howell, David (R.I. member of Congress)
Hume, David
Humphreys, David (secy. to 3d joint commission)
Huntington, Samuel (chief justice of Conn.)
Huxelles, Nicolas du Blé, Marquis d’ (French negotiator)