Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 17, G
Gaillac, France
Gainsborough, Thomas (Brit. artist)
Gallatin, Albert
Galloway, Joseph (loyalist)
Garden, Alexander (M.P.)
Gardoqui, Diego de (Spanish chargé d’affaires to U.S.)
Garvey, Anthony (wine merchant)
Gates, Gen. Horatio (U.S.)
Gazette d’Amsterdam
Gazette de Leyde
Genet, Edmé Jacques (1st clerk of the French foreign ministry)
Genet, Edmond Charles (son of Edmé Jacques, later “Citizen” Genet)
Geneva, Switzerland
Genevaux, Hilaire de (Capuchin monk)
George I, King of England
George III, King of England
Germantown (district of Braintree, Mass.)
Gerry, Ann Thompson (wife of Elbridge)
Gerry, Elbridge (Mass. politician)
Gervais, John Lewis (of S.C.)
Geyer, Frederick William (partner in Geyer, De la Lande & Fynje)
Geyer, De la Lande & Fynje (London mercantile firm)
Gibbes, Sir Philip
Girvin, John
Glasgow, Scotland
Glass and glassmaking
Gloucester, Mass.
Gordon, Adam (M.P.)
Gordon, Elizabeth Field (wife of William)
Gordon, Rev. William (of Jamaica Plain, Mass.)
Gorham, Nathaniel (of Mass.)
Gorham, William (Maine judge)
Goublot, Louis (French merchant)
Gouverneur, Isaac, Jr. (N.Y. merchant)
Gower, Granville Leveson-Gower, 2d Earl (Lord Privy Seal)
Graham, Catharine Sawbridge Macaulay (Brit. historian)
Graham, William (2d husband of Catharine)
Grand, Ferdinand (Paris banker)
Grayson, William (Va. member of Congress)
Great Britain
Greek language
Green, Capt. John (of the Empress of China)
Greene, Gen. Nathaniel (U.S.)
Greene, William (gov. of R.I.)
Grenada, Battle of
Griswold, Matthew (gov. of Conn.)
Grosvenor, Sir Richard, 4th Baronet
Grove, Sylvanus (Md. trustee)
Grubb, James (of Va.)
Gulf of Mexico
Gustavus III, King of Sweden
Gyselaar, Cornelis de (pensionary of Dordrecht)