Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 17, F
Fagel, Hendrik (secy. of States General)
Falkland Islands
Falmouth, England
Falmouth (now Portland), Maine
Farmers General
Faure, Mr.
Favi, Francesco (Tuscan chargé d’affaires to France)
Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe
Fenning, Daniel
Feron, Dr. Jean Baptiste (French surgeon)
Field, John (London apothecary)
Fife, James Duff, 2d Earl (Scottish landowner)
Fisher, James
Fitzherbert, Alleyne (Brit. peace negotiator)
Fitzhugh, Daniel (of Va.)
Fitzhugh, Theodorick (of Va.)
Fletcher, Robert (Halifax printer and bookseller)
Floridablanca, José de Moñino y Redondo, Conde de (Spanish foreign minister)
Folger, Abishai (Nantucket, Mass., merchant)
Folger, Timothy (son of Abishai)
Fontainebleau, France
Food and drink
Foreign Affairs, Department of (U.S.)
Fores, Samuel William (London printer)
Forrest, Col. Uriah (of Md.)
Fort Detroit, Mich.
Fort Michilimackinac, Mich.
Fort Niagara, N.Y.
Fort Oswegatchie, N.Y.
Fort Oswego, N.Y.
Fort Presqu’Ile, Penn.
Fort Sandusky, Ohio
Foster, Abiel (of N.H.)
Foster, William (Boston merchant)
Foster, William, & Co. (Boston mercantile firm)
Fox, Charles James (M.P.)
Fox, Samuel Mickle (of Phila.)
Fox-North coalition
Franco-American consular convention
Franco-American treaties
Franklin, Benjamin
Franklin, William Temple (grandson of Benjamin, secy. to peace commission)
Franklin (proposed U.S. state)
Franks, Lt. Col. David Salisbury (U.S.)
Fraser, Thomas
Fraser (Frazier), William (Brit. undersecy. of state)
Frederick II (the Great), King of Prussia
French language
French Navy
French Revolution
Friends, Society of (Quakers)
Furniture and furnishings
Fur trade