Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 17, D
Dalton, Michael (son of Tristram, 1761–1762)
Dalton, Michael (son of Tristram, 1762–1763)
Dalton, Robert Hooper (son of Tristram)
Dalton, Ruth (daughter of Tristram)
Dalton, Ruth Hooper (wife of Tristram)
Dalton, Tristram (Newburyport merchant)
Dana, Elizabeth Ellery (wife of Francis)
Dana, Francis (Mass. judge)
Dartmouth, England
Dartmouth, Mass. (later New Bedford, Mass.)
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Dauphin (Amer. merchant ship)
David, Jacques Louis (French artist)
Davis, Caleb (of Boston)
Day, James (in Cowes, England)
Deane, Silas (of Conn.)
Dechales, Claude François Milliet
Declaration of Independence
Dedham, Mass.
Defence (Brit. ship of the line)
Defoe, Daniel
Deville, Nicolas (secy. to Vergennes)
Diamond Necklace Affair
Dickason (Dickinson), Thomas (Brit. merchant)
Dickinson, John (Penn. politician)
Diderot, Denis
Doane, Isaiah (Boston merchant)
Doradour, Charles François, Comte de
Doradour, Marie du Bourg, Comtesse de (wife of Charles)
Dormer, Sir Clement Cottrell (Brit. master of ceremonies at court)
Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3d Duke of (Brit. ambassador to France)
Dover, England
Dryden, John
Dukes County, Mass.
Dumas, Charles William Frederic (U.S. agent at The Hague)
Dumas, Marie (wife of Charles)
Dumas, Nancy (Anna Jacoba, daughter of Charles)
Dumas family
Dumbarton, Scotland
Dumont, Jean
Dunbar, Jesse (of Hingham, Mass.)
Duncan, James (of Haverhill)
Dundas, Henry (M.P.)
Dunkerque, France
Dunlap, John (Phila. printer)
Dunmore, John Murray, 4th Earl of (gov. of Va.)
Dutch-American Convention on Recaptures
Dutch-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce
Dutch Army
Dutch language
Duval, John P. (Va. state senator)
Duval, Maj. (Brit. marine)