Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 16, J
Jackson, Jonathan (Mass. merchant)
Jackson & Higginson (Boston mercantile firm)
James I, King of England
Jarvis, Deliverance Atkins
Jarvis, Elias (of Boston)
Jarvis, James (of Boston)
Jay, Sir James (brother of John)
Jay, John (U.S. minister to Spain, later secy. for foreign affairs)
Jay, Sarah Van Brugh Livingston (wife of John)
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenifer, Daniel of St. Thomas (of Md.)
Jenings, Edmund (of Md. and Brussels)
Johnson, Sir John (Brit. superintendent and inspector general for the Six Nations)
Johnson, Joshua (of Md., Nantes, and London)
Johnson, Thomas, Jr. (former gov. of Md.)
Johnson, William Samuel (of Conn.)
Johonnot, Samuel Cooper (Boston attorney)
Jombert, Alexandre, the younger (Paris bookseller)
Jones, J. C.
Jones, Capt. John Paul (U.S.)
Jones, Mrs. (of Dorchester, Mass.)
Joseph II, German Emperor
Justice, Lt. John (of the Amiable Elizabeth)