Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 16, D
Daber, Pomerania
Dalton, Ruth (daughter of Tristram)
Dalton, Ruth Hooper (wife of Tristram)
Dalton, Tristram (Newburyport merchant)
Dana, Elizabeth Ellery (wife of Francis)
Dana, Francis (Mass. member of Congress)
Dana, Francis, Jr. (son of Francis)
Dana, Martha Remington (daughter of Francis)
Danish language
Darcel, Nicholas (clerk of Matthew Ridley)
Dartmouth (later New Bedford), Mass.
Dartmouth College
Dashwood, Capt. Samuel (of Boston)
D’Audibert Caille, Étienne (Moroccan negotiator)
Deal, England
Deane, Silas (of Conn.)
DeBerdt, Dennis (London merchant)
DeBerdt, Dennys (father of Dennis)
Deblois, Capt. William (of the Medford)
Debrett, John (London bookseller)
Declaration of Independence
Delaware Nation
Delaware River
Delft, Netherlands
Dempster, George (M.P.)
Denning, William (of N.Y.)
Dick, Samuel (N.J. member of Congress)
Dickinson, Gen. Philemon (U.S.)
Diriks, Jacob Gerhard (of Deventer, Netherlands)
Dispatch (merchant ship)
Doel, Belgium
Dolfijn (Dutch warship)
Dolfin, Chevalier Daniel (Venetian ambassador to France)
Dorchester, Mass.
Dorper, E. M. (Amsterdam notary)
Dorset, John Frederick Sackville, 3d Duke of (Brit. ambassador to France)
Dover, England
Dumas, Charles William Frederic (U.S. agent at The Hague)
Dumas, Marie (wife of Charles)
Dumas, Nancy (Anna Jacoba, daughter of Charles)
Dunkerque, France
Dussen, Lt. Gen. Aegidius van der (Dutch)
Dutch-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce
Dutch Army
Dutch language
Dutch Navy
Dutilh, Christian (Rotterdam merchant)
Dutilh, Étienne (Phila. merchant)