Index: Papers of John Adams, Volume 14, R
Raleigh, Sir Walter
Randall, Mr. (New York merchant)
Raynal, Guillaume Thomas François, Abbé (French historian)
Rayneval, Joseph Mathias Gérard de (secy. to Vergennes)
Reed, Joseph (of Penn.)
Remembrancer (London)
Rettick, J. G. (Lübeck merchant)
Rhode Island
Richmond, Charles Lennox, 3d Duke of Lennox and (master general of ordinance)
Ridley, Matthew (Amer. merchant)
Riemersma, Capt. (of the Overijssel)
Riga, Latvia
Roberts, W. (Brit. clerk)
Roberts, Capt. (of the Hety)
Robertson, Capt. (of the Virginia)
Rochambeau, Jean Baptiste, Donatien de Vimeur, Comte de (French commander in U.S.)
Rochefort, France
Rockingham, Charles Watson-Wentworth, 2d Marquis of (Brit. prime minister)
Rockingham Whigs
Roman Catholic Church
Romans, Maria Johanna (of Maassluis, Netherlands)
Rome, Italy
Ross, John (Philadelphia merchant)
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Rousseau, Jean Jacques
Rush, Dr. Benjamin (of Philadelphia)
Russian Army
Rutledge, John (S.C. member of Congress)