Index: Consolidated Tracy, Nathaniel (Newburyport merchant and shipowner) 15 mentioned AFC05 355 429 455 AFC06 17 375 PJA03 326 PJA04 457 458 PJA09 406 PJA10 191 DQA01 211 333 DQA02 15 16 443 5 Adamses send letters by AFC05 445 450 454 AFC06 46 53 4 identified PJA03 327 PJA10 194 DQA01 14 AFC07 122 3 in France AFC05 444 445 AFC06 5 3 leaves Paris AFC06 8 31 32 2 return to America AFC06 26 225 1 Letters 1 From JA (1780) PJA10 193 1 in England AFC05 409 1 witnesses JA's power of attorney AFC05 456 AFC04 296-297 AFC07 120 141 DJA02 410 433 DJA04 203 237 PJA11 147 156 254 255 261 PJA12 65 182 184