Index: Consolidated Shaw, Elizabeth Quincy (Betsy, 1780-1798, daughter of John and Elizabeth Smith ) 13 mentioned AFC05 267 269 337 338 352 353 475 AFC06 411 462 AFC07 95 265 266 454 7 health of AFC05 424 AFC06 269 275 410 AFC07 271 350 385 5 visits with Cranches AFC07 190 250 270 271 273 4 AA sends goods to AFC07 272 374 453 461 3 AA sends books to AFC06 134 282 453 2 Elizabeth Shaw on AFC07 270-271 272 1 appreciates JA's work AFC07 352 1 attends turtle-party AFC07 292 1 correspondence with AA AFC07 387 1 makes clothes for CA AFC07 295 1 plays at being schoolteacher AFC07 352 1 travels with parents AFC07 222 AFC04 98 100