Index: Consolidated Customs officers 13 enforcement powers of 5 (No. 44) LJA02 107-112 124-125 129-132 136-138 139 2 (No. 45) LJA02 155 166 1 (No. 49) LJA02 218 1 (No. 50) LJA02 220-222 1 (No. 53) LJA02 243 1 (No. 56) LJA02 310 LJA02 98-100 101 6 opposition to 3 (No. 45) LJA02 148-153 LJA03 3-5 29-31 LJA01 39-40 LJA02 102-103 113 5 positions and duties of LJA02 147 155 159-166 171-172 310 4 commissions and authority of 2 (No. 45) LJA02 154-155 159-173 1 (No. 49) LJA02 216 1 (No. 50) LJA02 219-222 3 liabilities of, No. 44 LJA02 125 186-187 224 2 fees of, No. 45 LJA02 148 165-166 PJA12 36-37 206-207 208 209