Index: Adams Family Correspondence, Volume 14, C
Cabot, George (Mass. senator)
Cádiz, Spain
Caesar, Julius
Calcutta (now Kolkata, India)
Caldwell, Elias Boudinot (clerk of U.S. Supreme Court)
Caldwell, Hannah Ogden (mother of Elias)
Caldwell, Rev. James (father of Elias)
Caldwell, Lt. John (U.S.)
Callender, James Thomson (Phila. printer)
Callimachus (Greek poet)
Cambridge, Mass.
Carasa, Ana Rodríguez de (wife of Gonzalo Herrera)
Carlisle, Penn.
Carlos IV, King of Spain
Carlsbad, Bohemia (now Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic)
Carpathian Mountains
Carroll, Anne Brent (wife of Daniel)
Carroll, Charles, IV (b. 1775, of Homewood)
Carroll, Daniel (of Duddington)
Carroll, Harriet Chew (wife of Charles)
Carroll, Rev. John (bishop of Baltimore)
Cary, Alpheus (of Quincy)
Castine, Maine
Castricum, Battle of
Catherine II (the Great), Empress of Russia
Cato the Younger
Centinel of Freedom (Newark, N.J.)
Centinel of Liberty (Georgetown, D.C.)
Centurion (ship)
Ceracchi, Giuseppe (Italian sculptor)
Champlin, Christopher Grant (R.I. representative)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles, Archduke of Austria
Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia
Charleston, S.C.
Charlestown, Mass.
Charlotte, Queen of England (wife of George III)
Charlotte (ship)
Chase, Samuel, Sr. (1741–1811, U.S. Supreme Court justice)
Chase, Samuel, Jr. (1773–1841, son of Samuel, Sr.)
Chatham, William Pitt, 1st Earl of
Chester, N.H.
Chester, Penn.
Chestertown, Md.
Chevalier, Madame (French actress)
Chew, Benjamin, Sr. (Penn. judge)
Chew, Harriet
Chipman, Nathaniel (Vt. senator)
Christiana, Del.
Christopher (Adams servant)
Church, Philip (nephew of Alexander Hamilton)
Church of England
Cincinnati, Society of the
Cisalpine Republic
Claggett, Rev. Thomas John (Md. bishop)
Claiborne, William Charles Cole (Tenn. representative)
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of
Clark, Rev. William (of Quincy)
Classical references
Claxton, Thomas (House doorkeeper)
Clay, Matthew (Va. representative)
Clement XIV, Pope (Giovanni Ganganelli)
Cleopatra (Brit. frigate)
Cleverly, Elizabeth Dukesberry (wife of Thomas)
Cleverly, Thomas (Quincy mariner)
Clinton, George (gov. of N.Y.)
Clinton County, N.Y.
Coale, Edward Johnson (Baltimore lawyer)
Cobbett, William (Phila. printer)
Cobenzl, Johann Ludwig Josef, Count von (Austrian diplomat)
Cocke, William (Tenn. senator)
Cohen, Ephraim (Ernst, Berlin factory owner)
Cohen, Pessel Zülz (Philippine, wife of Ephraim)
Colden, Cadwallader David (N.Y. lawyer)
Columbia College
Columbian Centinel (Boston)
Columbus, Christopher
Combe, William
Commercial Advertiser (N.Y.)
Commercial Gazette (Boston)
Condy, Jonathan W. (Penn. politician)
Congregational Church
Congress, U.S.
Congress (U.S. frigate)
Connecticut (U.S. ship)
Connecticut River
Constellation (U.S. frigate)
Constitution, U.S.
Constitution (U.S. frigate)
Constitutional Telegraph (Boston)
Continental Army
Continental Congress
Convention of 1800
Cook, Capt. James (Brit. explorer)
Cooper, Dr. Thomas (Sunbury, Penn., printer)
Copenhagen, Denmark
Copernicus, Nicolaus (Polish astronomer)
Copley, Elizabeth Clarke
Copley, Susanna Clarke (of London)
Cordner, John (Phila. innkeeper)
Cornelia (ship)
Correggio, Antonio Allegri da (Italian artist)
Courier and Evening Gazette (London)
Coventry, Conn.
Coventry, England
Cowes, England
Coxe, Charles Davenport (of Sidney, N.J.)
Coxe, Rebecca Coxe (2d wife of Tench)
Coxe, Tench (Phila. merchant)
Cracow, Silesia (now Kraków, Poland)
Cramond, William (Phila. merchant)
Cranch, Anna Greenleaf (Nancy, 1772–1843, wife of William)
Cranch, Anne Allen (1799–1822, daughter of William)
Cranch, Elizabeth Palmer (Betsy, wife of Joseph)
Cranch, Joseph (1746–1806, nephew of Richard)
Cranch, Mary Smith (1741–1811, sister of AA)
Cranch, Richard (1726–1811, husband of Mary)
Cranch, Richard (1797–1824, son of William)
Cranch, William (1769–1855, nephew of AA)
Cranch, William Greenleaf (1796–1872, son of William)
Crane, Sarah Baxter (wife of Thomas)
Crane, Thomas (of Quincy)
Craper, Mr. (of Yorkshire, England)
Creech, Thomas (English classicist)
Cromwell, Oliver
Crossen, Silesia (now Krosno Odrzańskie, Poland)
Cumberland County, Penn.
Cummings, Ann Lambert (wife of Henry)
Cummings, Rev. Henry (of Billerica, Mass.)
Cunern, Silesia (now Konary, Wołów, Poland)
Currie, Mr. (Curry, Adams coachman)
Curtis, Lt. Samuel (of Braintree)
Cushing, Hannah Phillips (wife of William)
Cushing, Nathan (Mass. judge)
Cushing, William (U.S. Supreme Court justice)
Custis, George Washington Parke (grandson of Martha Washington)
Cuxhaven, Germany
Czech Republic