Index: Adams Family Correspondence, Volume 13, D
Daily Advertiser (N.Y.)
Dale, Capt. Richard (of the Ganges)
Dallas, Alexander James (Penn. secy. of the commonwealth)
Dalton, Catherine (daughter of Tristram)
Dalton, Ruth Hooper (wife of Tristram)
Dalton, Sarah (Sally, daughter of Tristram)
Dalton, Tristram (of Washington, D.C.)
Damariscotta, Maine
Damascus, Syria
Dana, Edmund Trowbridge (son of Francis, Sr.)
Dana, Elizabeth Ellery (wife of Francis, Sr.)
Dana, Francis, Sr. (Mass. chief justice)
Dana, Samuel Whittlesey (Conn. representative)
Dandridge, Bartholomew, Jr. (secy. to W. V. Murray)
Darley, John (Phila. singer)
Dartmouth College
Daubeny, Lt. Lloyd S. (of N.Y.)
Dauphin (ship)
Davenport, Maj. John (of Stamford, Conn.)
Davie, William Richardson (gov. of N.C.)
Davis, John (Brit. translator)
Davis, Matthew Livingston (of N.Y.)
Dawes, Thomas, Jr. (Mass. judge)
Dayton, Jonathan (Speaker of the House)
Deakins, William, Jr. (Georgetown, D.C., merchant)
Dearborn, Henry (Mass. representative)
Deblois, Lewis (of Washington, D.C.)
Deblois, Ruth Hooper Dalton (wife of Lewis)
De Braak (Brit. sloop of war)
Debry, Jean Antoine (French diplomat)
Decatur, Capt. Stephen (1752–1808, of the Delaware)
Decatur, Como. Stephen (1779–1820, son of Capt. Stephen)
Declaration of Independence
Delacroix de Constant, Charles (French minister to Netherlands)
Delaware (U.S. ship)
Delaware River
Delius, Frederick (Bremen merchant)
Democratic-Republican Party
Democratic Society of New York
Dennie, Joseph, Jr. (N.H. editor)
Dennis, John (Md. representative)
Dent, George (Md. representative)
Derby Academy (Hingham)
Desdoity, John B. (N.Y. merchant)
Dessau, Germany
Detroit, Mich.
Dexter, Richard (Adams servant)
Dexter, Samuel (Mass. politician)
Diamond (Brit. frigate)
Diane (French frigate)
Dickinson, John
Diderot, Denis
Dixon, John, Jr. (Richmond, Va., printer)
Dixon’s Observatory (Richmond, Va.)
Dobbs family
Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.
Doddridge, Philip
Domestic work
Donegal, Battle of
Dorchester, Guy Carleton, 1st Baron (gov. general of Canada)
Dorchester, Mass.
Dordrecht, Netherlands
Dover, Del.
Dresden, Germany
Drew, Capt. James (of the De Braak)
Duane, William (Phila. printer)
Dublin, Ireland
Duché, Elizabeth Hopkinson (wife of Jacob)
Duché, Elizabeth Sophia
Duché, Rev. Jacob (of Phila.)
Ducos, Roger (member of French Directory)
Duncanson, Martha (sister of William)
Duncanson, William Mayne (Washington, D.C., merchant)
Dunkerque, France
Dupont, Victor Marie (French diplomat)
Dupont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel (father of Victor)
Duqueruy, William Hercules (dance instructor)
Dutch language and literature
Duvall, Gabriel (Md. judge)
Dwight, Theodore (of Conn.)
Dwight, Rev. Timothy (of Fairfield, Conn.)
Dyck, Anthony van (Flemish artist)