Index: Adams Family Correspondence, Volume 12, O
Odiorne, Mary Grindall (wife of Nathaniel)
Odiorne, Nancy (daughter of Nathaniel)
Odiorne, Nathaniel (of Unity, N.H.)
Oglio River
Old House (Peacefield, now Adams National Historical Park)
Olmütz, Austria
Orangist Party (also Court Party; Dutch)
Orkney, Scotland
Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d’ (Philippe Égalité)
Orne, Rebecca Taylor (wife of Timothy)
Orne, Timothy, Jr. (Salem merchant)
Otis, Elizabeth Gray (1st wife of Samuel, Sr.)
Otis, George (son of Samuel, Sr.)
Otis, Harriet (daughter of Samuel, Sr.)
Otis, Harrison Gray (Mass. representative)
Otis, Mary Ann (daughter of Samuel, Sr.)
Otis, Mary Smith Gray (wife of Samuel, Sr.)
Otis, Samuel Allyne, Sr. (1740–1814, secy. of the Senate)
Ottoman Empire
Overton, Thomas (N.C. revenue inspector)