Index: Adams Family Correspondence, Volume 12, K
Kahnawake Mohawk
Kant, Immanuel (German philosopher)
Karl Theodor, Elector of Bavaria
Karl Wilhelm Friedrich, Prince of Nassau-Weilburg
Kaskaskia, Ill.
Katy (brig)
Kentucky Gazette (Lexington)
Key, Ann Plater (wife of Philip)
Key, Philip Barton (Washington, D.C., lawyer)
King, Rufus (U.S. minister to Britain)
King, William
King, Mr. (servant of AA2)
King, Mrs. (servant of AA2)
Kingsbridge, N.Y.
King’s College (Aberdeen, Scotland)
Kingston, Stephen (of Phila.)
Klagensfurt, Austria
Knox, Lucy Flucker
Knoxville Gazette
Kock, Baron Hendrik Merkus de (of The Hague)
König, Carl Gustaf (Swedish diplomat)