Index: Adams Family Correspondence, Volume 11 Investments 22 land speculation AFC11 xvi xvii xxxiii 148 149 169 176–77 205 206 211 217 220 232 234 249–50 372 376 378 436 448 449–50 483 14 speculation AFC11 110 117 162 265 289 290 291 447 448 460 464 469 474 480 11 interest and dividends on AFC11 1 57 59 81 112 159 264 265 329 391 518–19 9 loan obligations AFC11 1 52 81 190 264 329 355 362 393 8 stocks and bonds AFC11 57 110 169 181 182 265 433 518–19 5 during wartime AFC11 144–45 437 438 451 480 3 illegal AFC11 58–59 391 465 2 in land AFC11 255–56 265 1 JA on AFC11 469 1 JQA on AFC11 58 1 converting real property to public securities AFC11 51 1 insurance annuities AFC11 175 1 interest rates AFC11 391 See also: Money