Index: Adams Family Correspondence, Volume 09, O
Ohio (territory)
Ohio Company
Ohio River
Old House (Peacefield, now Adams National Historical Park)
Olivares, Gaspar de Guzmán, Count d’ (of Spain)
Orléans, Louis Philippe Joseph, Duc d’ (Philippe Égalité)
Osgood, Samuel (of N.Y.)
Ostend, Belgium
Otis, Abigail (daughter of Samuel)
Otis, Elizabeth (daughter of Samuel)
Otis, Elizabeth Gray (1st wife of Samuel)
Otis, Hannah (sister of Samuel)
Otis, Harriet (daughter of Samuel)
Otis, Harrison Gray (Boston lawyer)
Otis, James, Jr. (Boston lawyer)
Otis, Mary Smith Gray (2d wife of Samuel)
Otis, Sally Foster (wife of Harrison)
Otis, Samuel Alleyne (secy. of the Senate)
Otsego County, N.Y
Otter River, England
Otto, America Francès St. John de Crèvecoeur (wife of Louis)
Otto, Louis Guillaume (secy. to French minister to U.S.)
Otway, Thomas
Owen, Elizabeth Newcomb (wife of Joseph)
Owen, Joseph (of Braintree)