Index: Adams Family Correspondence, Volume 09, D
Daily Advertiser (New York)
Dallas, Alexander James (of Phila.)
Dalton, Catherine (daughter of Tristram)
Dalton, Mary (daughter of Tristram)
Dalton, Ruth Hooper (wife of Tristram)
Dalton, Sarah (daughter of Tristram)
Dalton, Tristram (Mass. senator)
Dana, Francis (Mass. justice)
Dandridge, Bartholomew, Jr. (secy. to Washington)
Dane, Nathan (of Beverly)
Danforth, Martha Hall Gray (wife of Samuel)
Danforth, Dr. Samuel (Boston physician)
Danton, Georges Jacques (French revolutionary)
Darby School (Hingham)
Davila, Enrico Caterino
Davis, Caleb (Boston merchant)
Dawes, Margaret Greenleaf (wife of Thomas)
Dawes, Thomas (Boston lawyer)
Dawson, George (of Braintree)
Dawson, Mary Veasey (wife of George)
Dearborn, Henry (Mass. representative)
Deblois, Ann Coffin (wife of Gilbert)
Deblois, Gilbert (Boston merchant)
Deblois, Lewis (N.Y. merchant)
Deblois, Ruth Hooper Dalton (wife of Lewis)
Delaware River
Demerara (Guyana), South America
Democratic-Republican Party
Depont, Charles (of France)
Deptford, N.J.
Derby, Richard (of Hingham)
Derby, Sarah Langley Hersey (wife of Richard)
Devonshire, England
Dexter, Samuel (Mass. representative)
Diary (New York)
Dillon, Gen. Théobald (French)
Dilly, Charles (London bookseller)
Dobson, Thomas (Phila. printer)
Dolphin (schooner)
Domestic work
Dorchester, Mass.
Douglass, William
Dover, England
Dresden, Maine
Duane, James (N.Y. judge)
Dublin, Ireland
Ducreux, Joseph (French artist)
Duer, William (N.Y. merchant)
Dumouriez, Charles François du Périer
Dundas, Henry (M.P.)
Dundee, Scotland
Duplaine, Antoine Charbonnet (French vice consul in Boston)
Durant, Cornelius (West Indies merchant)
Durnford, Charles
Dutchess County, N.Y.
Dutch Reformed Church