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August 16, 1778Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to First Joint Commission at Paris

...Je m'empresse, Messieurs, de repondre aux observations que vous m'avez...

August 16, 1778Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to First Joint Commission at Paris

...I take the earliest opportunity to answer the observations addressed to me...

August 17, 1778Adams, John

...Dined at Chatou, with Mr. Bertin. After dinner went to view the Machine of...

August 17, 1778Moylan, James to First Joint Commission at Paris

...The Brig Lady Washington Cap: Rowntree arrived here yesterday from James...

August 18, 1778Adams, John

...Went to Paris, with the Abbees Chalut and Arnaut. Went to see the Church...

August 18, 1778First Joint Commission at Paris; Adams, John to Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de

...We embrace this first opportunity to answer the Letter, which your...

August 18, 1778Dumas, Charles William Frederic to First Joint Commission at Paris

...Depuis mes dernieres, il ne s'est rien passé ici qui valût la peine de...

August 18, 1778Dumas, Charles William Frederic to First Joint Commission at Paris

...Since my last letters, nothing worthy of writing about has occurred. That...

August 18, 1778Ross, John to First Joint Commission at Paris

...I did myself the honour to Address You, on the 16th and 23d. Ultimo —Not...

August 19, 1778Adams, Abigail to Lovell, James

...This Moment your favour of August the 6 is come to hand. My Heart...