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August 14, 1778Adams, John to Adams, Abigail

...I have neither Time, nor Confidence enough in the Opportunity, to write...

August 14, 1778Adams, John Quincy to Cranch, Elizabeth your desire I now sit down to write a few lines to you and not yet...

August 14, 1778Adams, John to President of Congress

...I have the Honour to inclose to Congress a few of the public Papers, which...

August 14, 1778Genet, Edmé Jacques to Adams, John

...J'ai traduit ce jour ci une lettre d'un armateur américain à Nantes, en...

August 14, 1778Genet, Edmé Jacques to Adams, John

...I have today translated a letter dated 8 August from an American shipowner...

August 14, 1778Adams, John to Genet, Edmé Jacques

...I Have the Honour of yours of the...

August 15, 1778Rush, Benjamin to Adams, Abigail

...I set down with great pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from...

August 15, 1778Jones, John Paul to First Joint Commission at Paris

...I have now been five days in this place since my Arrival from Passy—during...

August 16, 1778Adams, John

...Went to Church, to the Chappell of the Duch Embassador in Paris, where We...

August 16, 1778Bondfield, John to First Joint Commission at Paris

...Captain Ayres I have found in a very ill State of Health and apprehend he...