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July 16, 1778Rutledge, Edward to Adams, John

...The State of South Carolina, desirous of protecting her Trade, with as...

July 17, 1778Thaxter, John to Adams, Abigail

...In my letter of the 11th. inst. I mentioned the arrival of the French...

July 17, 1778Adams, John to Genet, Edmé Jacques

...In your forty Eighth Number of Affairs de L'Angleterre et de L'Amerique I...

July 17, 1778First Joint Commission at Paris; Adams, John; Lee, Arthur; Franklin, Benjamin to Vergennes, Charles Gravier, Comte de

...We herewith communicate to your Excellency a Resolution of Congress...

July 17, 1778Dumas, Charles William Frederic to First Joint Commission at Paris

...Quoique je sois tous les jours avec le G—— F—— et avec notre Ami,...

July 17, 1778Dumas, Charles William Frederic to First Joint Commission at Paris

...Although I have seen the Grand Facteur and our friend every day, since...

July 17, 1778Williams, Jonathan to First Joint Commission at Paris

...I am highly sensible of the Confidence you honour me with by your...

July 18, 1778Sargeant, William Hill to First Joint Commission at Paris

...Having lately Arrived in a Very fast Sailing Vessell from the State of...

July 18, 1778Sartine, Antoine Raymond Jean Gualbert Gabriel de to First Joint Commission at Paris

...Versailles, 18 July 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography...

July 20, 1778First Joint Commission at Paris; Adams, John to President of Congress

...Passy, 20 July 1778. printed: JA, Diary and Autobiography...