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January 1, 1838CFA
...The morning was cloudy but without rain. I felt as I have of late inclined...
January 2, 1838CFA
...Extraordinary weather. The air is as mild as in the month of October. I...
January 3, 1838CFA
...This weather has continued, growing if any thing better and better every...
January 4, 1838CFA
...A cloudy morning and disagreeably damp day but it still continues...
January 5, 1838CFA
...I had a bad night and my cold still continues to trouble me. This morning...
January 6, 1838CFA
...A fine day. Weather continues extraordinarily mild. I went to the Office...
January 7, 1838CFA
...Morning mild. A few more such days and vegetation will begin. I attended...
January 8, 1838CFA
...Wet and cloudy but still mild. I went to the Office where I sat down to...
January 9, 1838CFA
...Morning cloudy, but mild. I went to the Office as usual but had little...
January 10, 1838CFA
...A fine clear but quite a sharp day. We feel cold more from it’s long...